Buying your artificial Christmas tree is the easy part. With so many to choose from, there is something for everybody and their spaces. But when it comes to decorating, how can you make your tree an insta-worthy creation? We have teamed up with Katie from @the_modernmum to reveal the top tips and tricks for creating a festive masterpiece.
Top Tips From Our Decorations Expert, Katie!
Once you have your theme selected and have acquired all of the decorations, you are ready for decorating! If you’re decorating an artificial Christmas tree, you will firstly need to assemble and then fluff each section of the tree. We recommend that a minimum of 45 minutes to an hour of fluffing is required and the larger the tree the more time you should spend on this.
Katie’s Top Tip: " Before you even get your tree out of the box, you should have picked your theme or colour scheme, if you're stuck for ideas, Instagram and Pinterest have plenty!"
make your tree
an insta-worthy
Step One:
Once your tree is fully fluffed, you should always add your lights first – unless you’re using horsetail lights in which case these should be done last.
White Stores’ Top Tip: If you can only see one area of your tree from its location, don’t wrap the lights the entire way around the tree, instead create a fuller look by zig-zagging the lights around the area you can see.
Step Two:
Use deco mesh or satin material ribbon through the tree to cover any gappy areas and make the tree appear fuller. Do this before adding any baubles or other decorations. Watch the video to see how Katie attaches ribbon to her tree!
Step Three:
Hold your decorations up against the tree to see where you want to place them, before securing them on, this makes it easier to change your mind without having to pull everything off and start again.

Step Four:
Decorate in size order, starting with the largest decorations first, and always decorate with baubles in odd numbers. Use small cable ties to secure baubles or double loop the bauble tie around the branches.
Step Five:
To make a “wow-factor” tree topper, use decorations on sticks/picks to poke in the top of the tree and fan out. Any decorations on picks/sticks can go in last to help bulk out the tree.
Katie’s Top Tip: "Keep taking a step back from the tree once you’ve added decorations to make sure you are happy with their placement."
Follow @whitestores and @the_modernmum on Instagram for more top tips and decorating inspiration!