Flocked/snowy and frosted artificial trees are a hugely popular style of tree. They’re so beautiful that it’s not hard to see why, but what makes a flocked tree so special and what should you be aware of before assembling your snowy tree? We’ve revealed all in this handy blog update.
This has seen us turn to the aid of pergolas and gazebos to offer shelter and weather protection, but what’s the difference between them, and which one is the right choice for your garden? We’ve answered all your questions below.
Flocked or Frosted
Snowy trees are coated in a fake snow substance. There are different types of snowy trees and these are defined by the amount of snow on the branches. Flocked trees look like a tree that has been caught in a snowstorm - the majority of the tree will appear to be white and snow-covered. Whereas frosted trees are less covered and instead look like a tree on a cold winter’s morning with a stunning glittery shimmer that allows you to still see the green of the tree branch.
Snow Will Drop
As you assemble your snowy tree and begin to fluff the branches, you will notice that some of the fake snow will drop from the tree. It may seem like a lot of the snow is falling but this is perfectly normal and can simply be hoovered up once you are finished fluffing. Our trees are actually over-flocked so that the result once you have finished fluffing is still full of snow, but this does mean that it will still drop during the fluffing process.
Don’t panic if it seems like a lot of the snow is coming off of the branches, there is plenty on the branches and you will still be left with a magical snowy tree. Plus, once you have stopped fluffing the tree it will stop falling and you probably won’t discover any more fallen snow until you put the tree away again.

what makes a flocked tree
so special and what should
you be aware of
Keep Away from Pets
Not many people know this, but the snowy substance can be toxic to your pets if ingested. If you have pets, we recommend keeping the tree out of their reach and never leaving them alone in the room with the tree, especially if they take a great interest in the tree.
Spend Time Fluffing
We’ve mentioned fluffing your tree above, but it really is important to fluff your tree to get the most out of its appearance. Check out our blog post on fluffing for top tips on making your tree look perfect.
For a snowy tree, some branches may be caught together due to the snow, but you can still pull the branches apart and fluff them to achieve the best appearance for your tree. Don’t be put off by the falling snow, trust us, it’s normal and your tree will look spectacular.

The Best Type of Flocking
The aim of all artificial Christmas trees is to look like the real thing without the hassle of having to water, cut down or constantly sweep up fallen needles and to last for much longer than a real tree. So, when choosing your flocked snowy tree knowing what to look for to make it appear as real as possible is important.
Trees can be flocked in different ways, the best type of flocking, we believe, is the type that looks natural and like real snow.
If you prefer your tree to look like it’s been covered with a light dusting of snow, the flocking should sit on top of the branches and look like little pockets of trapped snow, like snow has been falling from above onto the branches.
If you prefer your tree to look like it’s come straight out of a winter wonderland, branches that sweep downwards and are thickly coated give the effect of heavier snow.
If you still need some help, you can contact our happy Christmas elves for a recommendation.